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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Símbolo nazi es parte de la arquitectura de una base naval dentro de Estados Unidos

Título de la noticia:

Google Earth descubre una gran esvástica en una base de EEUU

Fecha Octubre 2007

chilecero (PUNTO) wordpress (PUNTO) com/2007/10/16/google-earth-descubre-una-gran-esvastica-en-una-base-de-eeuu/

  • Tras el revuelo originado, el edificio será reformado para no herir sentimientos.
  • El arquitecto afirma que la Armada sabía que el complejo tenía forma de cruz gamada.
Imagen del polémico complejo de la Armada estadounidense en San Diego

Google Earth, es decir, cualquier aficionado desde casa con un ordenador y un programa que se puede descargar gratuitamente de internet, ha metido en un aprieto esta vez –porque no es la primera– a la Armada de Estados Unidos. Un singular edificio de una base naval de San Diego (California) es, a vista de satélite, una inquietante, temible e incompresible gran cruz gamada sobre suelo norteamericano. Busquen San Diego en Google Earth. Vayan al puerto. Está en la calle de Tulagi, en una de las esquinas del muelle cuadriculado de la base anfibia Coronado US Navy. Si se desea una vista todavía mejor del descubrimiento, la competencia de Google Earth, el Maps-Live de Microsoft, ofrece una imagen aún más nítida.

Es una victoria más de la gran comunidad internauta. Ha cosechado otras, pero esta le costará a las fuerzas armadas estadounidenses unos 600.000 dólares (430.000 euros). Es la cifra que se destinará a camuflar, com placas solares y vegetación, el aspecto actual de la construcción militar.


Descubierta la inaceptable forma del edificio, la Liga Antidifamación de Estados Unidos se puso en marcha. Primero, investigó. El edificio (de hecho, son cuatro que forman un único conjunto) fue construido a finales de los años 60. El arquitecto del complejo, John Mock, afirmó esta semana que la Armada “sabía que iba a parecer” una esvástica, pero “no lo es, son cuatro edificios en forma de ele”. Algo así como afirmar, sin enrojecer, que la sede del Departamento de Defensa de EEUU no es un pentágono –figura que da nombre al complejo–, sino cinco edificios rectos.

Y como siempre en estos casos, el suceso ha explotado en internet y ha llevado a los blogueros a debatir largamente sobre el complejo. Algunos conjeturan que fue construido por prisioneros de guerra alemanes de la segunda guerra mundial en homenaje a Adolf Hitler.

Otros apuntan que los edificios vecinos parecen aviones que apuntan a la esvástica. Y como en EEUU siempre es fácil encontrar a quien todo lo analiza desde un punto de vista cristiano, hay quien señala que los edificios, de lado, recuerdan las cruces del Calvario. Y, para más inri las cruces señalan hacia Jerusalén. Incomprensiblemente nadie apuesta porque el edificio sea un homenaje a los vikingos, diseñadores de esta cruz y que representa esquemáticamente al sol.

chilecero (PUNTO) wordpress (PUNTO) com/2007/10/16/google-earth-descubre-una-gran-esvastica-en-una-base-de-eeuu/

Nota: Como siempre, los relacionados al edificio niegan que se trate de lazos con los nazis ni cosa semejante. Recordemos las cruces gamadas que se encuentran en la iglesia de Támpico, México. Están allí por ¿pura casualidad?

Esvásticas (cruces gamadas) adornan el pasillo hacia el altar en una iglesia católica en Támpico, México. Como siempre las adornadas y raras explicaciones salen en la defensa de su aceptación.

U.S. Marines Posing With Symbol Resembling Nazi Logo 'Not Acceptable'

huffingtonpost (punto) com/2012/02/09/us-marines-nazi-ss_n_1265930 (punto) html

Afghanistan Marines  

SAN DIEGO (AP) — The U.S. Marine Corps once again did damage control after a photograph surfaced of a sniper team in Afghanistan posing in front of a flag with a logo resembling that of the notorious Nazi SS — a special unit that murdered millions of Jews, gypsies and others.

The Corps said in a statement that using the symbol was not acceptable, but the Marines in the photograph taken in September 2010 will not be disciplined because investigators determined it was a naive mistake.
The Marines believed the SS symbol was meant to represent sniper scouts and never intended to be associated with a racist organization, said Maj. Gabrielle Chapin, a spokeswoman at Camp Pendleton, where the Marines were based.

"I don't believe that the Marines involved would have ever used any type of symbol associated the Nazi Germany military criminal organization that committed mass atrocities in WWII," Chapin said. "It's not within who we are as Marines."

The Corps has used the incident as a training tool to talk to troops about what symbols are acceptable after it became aware of the photograph last November, Chapin said.

The image has surfaced on an Internet blog, sparking widespread outrage and calls for a full investigation and punishment, including bringing those in the photograph and anyone who condoned it to court-martial.

"This is a complete and total outrage," said Mikey Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, headquartered in Albuquerque, New Mexico. His organization sent a letter to the head of the Marine Corps, Gen. James Amos, and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta on Thursday, demanding punishment for those involved.

It was the second time this year the Marine Corps had to scramble to contain the damage after images were posted on the Internet of troops in inappropriate acts. Last month, Pentagon leaders faced the fallout from an Internet video purporting to show four Marines urinating on Taliban corpses — an act that appears to violate international laws of warfare and further strains U.S.-Afghan relations.

Panetta called Afghan President Hamid Karzai to offer assurances of a full investigation, and the top Marine general promised an internal probe as well as a criminal one.

The Marines in the photograph are no longer with the unit. Chapin said she did not know if they are still in the Corps.

In the photo taken in the Afghanistan district of Sangin in Helmand province, members of the Marine Corps unit are seen posing with guns in front of an American flag and a large, dark blue flag with what appear to be the letters "SS" in the shape of white jagged lightning bolts.

Camp Pendleton spokesman, Master Gunnery Sgt. Mark Oliva, said he did not know where the flag came from but it was likely the property of one of the Marines in the photograph.

The photograph appeared on the blog for a military weapons company called Knight's Armament in Florida. The company did not respond to emails or phone messages left by The Associated Press.

The SS, or Schutzstaffel, was the police and military force of the Nazi Party, which was distinct from the general army. Members pledged an oath of loyalty to Adolf Hitler.

SS units were held responsible for many war crimes and played an integral role in the extermination of millions of Jews along with gypsies and other people who were deemed undesirable. The SS was declared to be a criminal organization at the Nuremberg war crime trials.

Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, headquartered in Los Angeles, said he does not buy the explanation that posing with the flag was an innocent mistake and insisted the American public has a right to know what happened.

"If you look at any book on the Nazi period, this is the dreaded symbol of the SS, and to have a Marine Corps unit adopt it and put it beside the American flag when 200,000 Americans died to free the world of that dreaded symbol is just beyond the pale," he said.

¿Por qué el gobierno de Estados Unidos de América comparte los mismos símbolos del FASCISMO (PODER QUE SE OBTIENE POR LA FUERZA) [SIMILAR A LAS DICTADURAS ITALIANAS Y ALEMANAS]? ¿No nos hacen creer que vivimos en una democracia? ¿Un mundo de libertad? Vea:


Friday, February 24, 2012

Sobre el trasfondo de Obama

Communist Barry Davis Obama: "Who’s Your Daddy?"

vaticanassassins (punto) org/2010/01/barry-davis-obama-4/
Jan 30th, 2010 (30 de enero de 2010)
Barack Hussien Obama’s real name is in fact Barry Davis.  He was conceived when his atheist White mother was only 17 years old while having an adulterous affair with hatefully-racist, Black Communist activist Frank Marshall Davis of Chicago.  His life was all about concealing his natural father’s true identity while never removing the masquerade mask of “Barack Hussein Obama,” the purported natural son of a wicked Kenyan national, yet another anti-White, Black hateful racist and socialist-communist.  The “Man Behind the Mask” is a CIA-created Manchurian Candidate purposed to impose full-blown socialist communism—taking from the Whites and giving to the Blacks—thereby driving all Whites in general into the arms of Jesuit Fascists overseen by the Black Pope’s Freemasonic International White Power Structure.  All is in place: The Manhattan Declaration has united apostate Protestants and Roman Catholics behind a common religious quest pursuant to the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965); and the semi-secret Council for National Policy has united both groups behind a common “New Right” political quest.  All that is needed to complete the conspiracy (for this is no coincidence) is the enthronement of a Republican Fascist Military Dictator.  That enthronement is to be facilitated by none other than a Democratic president, Barry Davis Obama, advised by Roman Catholic Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor, the real president and former U.S. Senator from Delaware, Vice President Joe Biden. .

A Davis-Obama Chronology

RenewAmerica staff edited by EJP The following is a year-by-year chronology that tracks the relationship between Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.; his purported Black father, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr.; his White mother, Stanley Ann Dunham; his mother’s White parents, Stanley and Madelyn Dunham; his mother’s second husband, the Asian Indonesian Lolo Soetoro; his family friend and natural father, the Black Frank Marshall Davis – a notorious socialist-communist Civil Rights provocateur; Barack’s Black wife, Michelle Obama; Barack’s longtime associate and Weather Underground founder, the White William Ayers; and others connected with the above individuals. The chronology was gathered from a variety of sources.  Every effort has been made to verify accuracy.  Additional information will be posted as it can be verified from multiple sources, public and private. \medies advocated by communists. 1935, summer – Davis published his first book, Black Man’s Verse. 1935 – Frank Marshall Davis returned to Chicago to take the position of managing editor of the Associated Negro Press, and served as executive editor of the ANP until 1947.  Clearly, Davis was an eloquent, organized and brilliant man. 1936 – Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., was born near Lake Victoria in Nyang’oma Kogelo, Alego, Siaya, Kenya, to Hussein Onyango Obama (1895-1979), and Akumu Habiba.  His family belonged to the Luo tribe.  Obama, Sr., was raised a Muslim, but later became an atheist.  He grew up in Nyang’oma Kogelo, Kenya. 1936 – Lolo Soetoro was born in Indonesia.  He was also raised as a Muslim by whom young Barry was indoctrinated into Islam. 1937 – Frank Marshall Davis received a Julius Rosenwald Fellowship, participated in the federal Works Progress Administration Writers’ Project, started a photography club, and worked for numerous political parties. 1940, May 5 – Stanley Armour and Madelyn Dunham married, after meeting in Wichita, Kansas. 1942, Nov. 7 – Stanley Ann Dunham was born in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, to Stanley and Madelyn Dunham.  In later years, she and her family moved to California, Texas, and Seattle, Washington. 1945 – Frank Marshall Davis taught one of the first jazz history classes at the Abraham Lincoln School in Chicago.  Jazz music is a creation of American Blacks. 1946 – Frank Marshall Davis married Helen Canfield, his second wife, a White Roman Catholic Chicago socialite who was 19 years younger than he.  (His first wife’s name has not been publicized.)  They had five mulatto children – four girls and a boy. 1948 – Frank Marshall Davis published 47th Street Poems. 1948 – Frank Marshall Davis and his family moved to Honolulu, Hawaii, after his friend Paul Robeson (a communist) suggested he do so.  Davis operated a small wholesale paper business called “Oahu Papers.” 1950 – Frank Marshall Davis was investigated by the House Un-American Activities Committee for his ties to the Communist Party USA, and the committee accused him of being involved in several communist-front organizations.   For 19 years, he was also under FBI investigation led by Director J. Edgar Hoover—Francis Cardinal Spellman’s Masonic Grand Inquisitor leading Rome’s anti-communist crusade.  Secretly, the Jesuits were the movers behind the notoriously Black and Jewish communist movement while plotting the rise of Jesuit Fascism.  Remember, the “thesis” is historic White Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Protestant culture; the “antithesis” is Jesuit-backed “Left Wing,” anti-Reformation Bible, Jewish-led/Black socialist-communism; and the “synthesis” is anti-Reformation Bible, anti-Black, anti-Jew, White Jesuit Fascism.  This has been the Order’s dialectic for its 14th Amendment American Empire since the presidency of Masonic Theodore Roosevelt. 1956 – Obama, Sr., was married at age 18 in a tribal ceremony to his first wife, Kezia (who currently lives in Bracknell, Berkshire, England—all African Blacks would love to live in historic White Protestant England as opposed to the barren tribal wilderness of violent Black African nations), with whom he had four children. 1956 – Ann Dunham’s family moved to Mercer Island, Washington, where she attended Mercer Island High School.  She later was a student at the University of Washington, and then the University of California, Berkeley.  Berkeley was known as the heart of the “hippy movement” beginning about this time in Jesuit-ruled San Francisco.  Berkeley also had a strong Jesuit presence with the Order’s seminary on campus. 1958 – Abongo (Roy) Obama was born to Barack Obama, Sr., and his first wife, Kezia. 1959 – Obama, Sr., enrolled at the University of Hawaii, leaving behind Kezia and their infant son.  At the time, Kezia was three months pregnant with their daughter Auma.  We wonder as to the source of funds providing for Obama, Sr. 1959 – Frank Marshall Davis started Paradise Paper Company and wrote a weekly column, “Frank-ly Speaking,” for the Honolulu Record, which covered labor and racial issues.  We wonder as to the effectiveness of Davis’s work in preaching the socialist-communist doctrine of racial/cultural “universal equality” as the Hawaii of today is full of Black crime. 1960 – Auma Obama was born to Obama, Sr., and Kezia. 1960 – At age 17, Ann Dunham and her family moved to Hawaii, where she attended the University of Hawaii at Manoa, studying mathematics and anthropology.  She met Barack Obama, Sr., in a Russian language class.  She also met Frank Marshall Davis and submitted to his adulterous advances. 1961, Feb. 2 – Barack Obama, Sr. (age 25), and Ann Dunham (age 18) married in Maui, Hawaii, after she discovered she was pregnant. (The pregnancy arose from an adulterous affair with Frank Marshall Davis. Davis had taken the much publicized photos of Ann where she posed naked for him.  As is the case with the Majority Savage Blacks—unlike the Minority Civil Blacks, Davis was preoccupied with sex, especially sex with another White women, just like Eldridge Clever.  Clever stated in his Soul On Ice that he would jump over ten Black women just to get to one White woman.  For the ultimate expression of Black hateful racism against “Whitey” is to bed White women, they becoming merely conquered enemy trophies!)  The parents on both sides objected to their marriage.  When he married Ann, Obama, Sr., was still married to Kezia in Kenya, a fact Ann was unaware of.  Therefore, not only was adultery involved with Barry’s conception, but polygamy as to Barry’s legal father.  Since polygamy is illegal, Barry’s parents were not married.  Barry is not only a “bastard,” as defined in the Holy Scriptures, but a mulatto conceived in an interracial, adulterous liaison.  Without help from powerful and wealthy White men serving the designs of Rome, Obama would not be what he is today.  Yet he hates the common White man evidenced by his attendance in Mulatto Jeremiah Wright’s hatefully racist, anti-White “church” for over 20 years. 1961, Aug. 4 – Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., was born six months after his parents’ marriage (reportedly in Honolulu, although his Kenyan grandmother and others claim he was born in Mombosa, Kenya).  His White mother left school to take care of him while his pretended Black father completed his degree. 1962, Jun. – Obama, Sr., graduated from the University of Hawaii. 1962, fall – Obama, Sr., left Ann Dunham and their son Barack Obama, Jr., to do graduate work at Harvard University, a pro-socialist-communist, CFR/CIA-driven Ivy League institution in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  Where did this poor Black from Kenya obtain the funds to attend Harvard?  We must honestly ask ourselves, can anything good come out of Harvard, that bastion of infidelity, socialism and flagrant sin? 1963, summer – Ann Dunham Obama took one-year-old Barack to join Obama, Sr., in Cambridge, stopping on the way for a visit with friends in Mercer Island, Washington.  Soon after arriving in Cambridge, she and her son returned to Seattle, where she enrolled in the University of Washington.   She then moved back to Hawaii to be with her family.  All of this expensive movement in the summer of 1963, just prior to the Kennedy assassination orchestrated by Rome’s unified American Intelligence Community? 1964, Jan. – Ann Dunham filed for divorce in Honolulu, Hawaii.  There is no longer the need to play the part of a married couple.  The charade is complete.  Barry appears to be an “African-American” in preparation for his role as president of the United States.  In the early 1970s Knight of Malta William F. Buckley, Jr., CFR-member and co-conspirator in the JFK assassination and cover-up, would optimistically write of a coming Black American president—the Order’s grand design in foisting Jesuit Fascism on White Apostate Protestant North America. 1964, Jan. 17 – Michelle Robinson (Obama) was born in Chicago, Illinois, to Fraser Robinson (who died in 1991) and Marian Shields Robinson. 1965 – Obama, Sr., obtained a masters degree in economics at Harvard and met White Ruth Nidesand.  She followed him to Kenya, eventually became his third wife and had two children with him (Mark and David), but later divorced him.  She then married a Tanzanian, and they had a son named Joseph Ndesandjo (1980). Obama, Sr., secured a position in the Kenyan government then controlled by the Archbishop of New York’s Council on Foreign Relations via the power of its CIA. 1965 – Obama, Sr., wrote a paper titled “Problems Facing Our Socialism,” published in the East Africa Journal, harshly criticizing the administration of then-President Jomo Kenyatta of Jesuit-controlled, anti-English Protestant, murdering “Mau Mau” fame.  Kenyatta sought to move the undeveloped, ” Third World” country of Kenya away from socialism toward capitalism.   “What is more important is to find means by which we can redistribute our economic gains to the benefit of all,” said Obama, Sr., repeating what he had learned at socialist-communist, cartel-capitalist Harvard.  “This is the government’s obligation.”  This, dear reader, is Counter Reformation Jesuit rhetoric at its finest! “Theoretically,” Obama, Sr., wrote, “there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100% of income so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed.”  Legally, this statement is correct as all “income” is derived from a government-granted “privilege.” In America, the tax laid upon all “income” derived from “privilege” is an indirect excise tax, which excise tax can be imposed by Congress without limit upon all “income from whatever source derived.”  Obama, Sr., learned his lessons well at socialist-communist Harvard.  For socialist policies destroy the producers and private wealth while promoting absolutist government—a “father knows best”— to the delight of the Jesuit Order.  As Barack Obama, Jr., notes in Dreams from My Father, the conflict between Obama, Sr., and President Jomo “Burning Spear” Kenyatta destroyed his father’s career.  Little did Obama know that London-trained Kenyatta was a tool of the Jesuit Order to drive the White Protestant British peoples out of Kenya.  For this, he was made president for life, dying at the ripe old age of 83. 1967 – Ann Dunham married Lolo Soetoro.  They met at the University of Hawaii.  They moved to Jakarta, Indonesia, with Barack.   Lolo worked as a government relations consultant with CFR-connected Mobil Corporation.  Ann would later work for the CFR/Jesuit-connected Ford Foundation where she would meet the father of Obama’s current Secretary of the Treasury, CFR-connected Timothy Geithner. 1968 – Abo Obama was born to Obama, Sr., and Kezia. 1968 – Frank Marshall Davis, the typical Majority Savage Black preoccupied with his “Johnson,” published a hard-core pornography novel, titled Sex Rebel: Black (Memoirs of a Gash Gourmet), written under the pseudonym “Bob Greene.”  In the book, Davis describes a “threesome” relationship he and his White wife had with a White teenage girl named “Anne.”  This work illustrates Davis’ hatefully-anti-White, Black communist racism.  And this man mentored the current president of the United States?  God deliver us! 1969 – William Ayers, son of wealthy Chicago White “philanthropist” (remember the wicked White devil John D. Rockefeller, Sr., was also called a “philanthropist”) and CIA contract agent, Thomas Ayers, and future associate of Barack Obama, Jr., created the Weather Underground—a domestic terrorist organization dedicated to promoting communist revolution in the United States.  It was CIA-controlled, the Order’s CIA “Company” using outrageous communist activities to ultimately drive all Whites to desperation thereby to embrace Jesuit fascism—the Order’s anti-Jew endgame for 14th Amendment America. 1970, Aug. 15 – Maya Kassandra Soetoro was born to Lolo and Ann Dunham Soetoro. 1970 – Bernard Obama was born to Obama, Sr., and Kezia. 1970 – Black Frank Marshall Davis and his White wife Helen divorced. 1970 – Obama’s White grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, became one of the first female vice-presidents of the Bank of Hawaii. 1971 – Barack Obama, Jr., age 10, then known as Barry Soetoro, returned to Hawaii to attend fifth grade at Punahou School, a prestigious preparatory school.  Tuition was paid with the aid of scholarships and help from his brilliant White grandmother. 1971 – Obama, Sr., visited Barack Obama, Jr., and his mother, Ann, in Hawaii.  This reportedly was the last time Barry/Barack saw Obama, Sr., – although his father reportedly corresponded with Barry/Barack when Barry/Barack was in college. 1971-1979 – Frank Marshall Davis increasingly became an influence in Barack’s life—a fact alluded to in Barack’s book Dreams from My Father, in which he refers to “Frank” as his mentor and father figure, a friend of the family with whom he often spent his evenings as a teenager.  Because of his writings and activities, Davis has numerous connections to liberal and leftist-socialist-communist politics in predominately White Roman Catholic/Black Muslim Chicago. Barack Obama starts his political career in Chicago.  In Chicago politics, no matter what party or affliliation, all potential candidates and want-to-be politicians are asked the question: WHO SENT YOU?  Was Barack “sent” to Chicago by his “real” father and mentor Frank Marshall Davis? Oprah Winfrey does not tell you (probably because she doesn’t know nor does she care) who sent Barack Obama to the Chicago political machine ruled by the Archbishop of Chicago as advised by the Jesuits of nearby Loyola University.  For it was at Loyola that firebrand priest Father Michael Phlager was educated.  Phlager was the defender of mulatto agitator and Black Liberation Theology zealot, Jeremiah Wright, the dear friend of hatefully-anti-White racist, Black Nation of Islam leader, Louis Farrakhan.  Wright was also the apostate Protestant “Pastor” of Obama for over 20 years.  But Obama is not an anti-White hateful racist in spite of his true father’s mentoring, Wright’s preaching and Farrakhan’s agitating! 1973 – Frank Marshall Davis made a visit to Howard University in Washington, D.C., to give a poetry reading—the first time he had seen the U.S. mainland in 25 years. 1974 – Ann Dunham returned to graduate school in Honolulu, while also raising Barack and Maya. 1977 – Ann Dunham returned to Indonesia with Maya to do field work where she worked for the Ford Foundation.  Barack preferred to stay in Hawaii with his grandparents—and with his true father and mentor, Frank Marshall Davis.  This fact is paramount if we are to understand the mind of Muslim Barack Hussein Obama. 1978 – Frank Marshall Davis published Awakening and Other Poems. 1979 – Barry Soetoro (later “Barack Obama, Jr.”) graduated from high school, moved to Los Angeles, and studied at CFR-connected, pro-socialist-communist Occidental College for two years.  While at Occidental, he indulged in alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine as well as Black activism which is in substance, Black cultural Supremacy, so necessary if the endgame of White Jesuit Fascism is yet to be established. 1980 – White Atheist Ann Dunham and Asian Muslim Lolo Soetoro divorce. 1981 – Obama visited his mother and half-sister in Indonesia, then traveled to Pakistan and India with friends from college.  Afterward, he proceeded on to Kenya, where he visited his pretended father’s family.  Obama must establish a historical chain of evidence so as to be able to state that his father is in fact a Black Kenyan. 1981 – Obama transferred to Columbia University in New York City, where he majored in political science with a specialization in international relations.  He maintained communication with his father, Frank Marshall Davis, during this period through letters until his father died in 1982.  At Columbia, the Barry Soetoro from leftist Occidental College changes his name to Barack Hussein Obama.  It is here that Obama is mentored by White Roman Catholic, Polish-American socialist-communist, Jesuit Georgetown University honored, CFR-member, Trilateral Commission member, Bilderberger and Knight of Malta, the infamous Zibignew Brzezinski.  This kingpin within Rome’s CFR-controlled American White Power Structure had mentored Osama bin Laden of Saudi Arabia and mass-murderer Pol Pot of Cambodia, having also served as President Jimmy Carter’s National Security Adviser.  For two years Obama will be taught in seclusion, so much so that he will be referred to as “the monk.” Columbia University will be Obama’s Jesuit Novitiate, while Fordham Jesuits will oversee Brzezinski’s mentoring of his Manchurian Candidate.  Obama is to be the Empire’s first Mulatto/Black president as foretold by White Irish-American Knight of Malta William F. Buckley, Jr. 1982 – George Hussein Onyango Obama was born to Obama, Sr., and his fourth wife, Jael. 1982 – Obama Sr. lost both legs in a car accident while in a drunken stupor, and then lost his job.  He died not long afterward at the age of 46 in another car crash in Nairobi. Obama Sr. was buried in Alego, at the village of Nyang’oma Kogelo, Siaya District, Kenya.  He had served the purpose of Rome’s Unified, 16-Agency, American Intelligence Community by giving its Manchurian Candidate a legal name.  On the heels of his pretended Black son’s socialist-communist presidency would, at long last, come White Jesuit Fascism! 1983 – Barack Obama, Jr., graduated from Columbia University, and then worked for a year at the Business International Corporation, a small newsletter-publishing firm that printed articles relating to global business, and later for the New York Public Interest Research Group. Obama also became an organizer at Harlem’s City College, working with Black student activists promoting socialist-communist, cultural Black Supremacy.  The antithesis continues. 1985 to 1988 – Obama relocated to Chicago and became associated with black militants and other leftists.  He worked as a “community organizer” for the “Industrial Areas Foundation” (IAF), an organization founded by Marxist radical, racial Jew, Saul Alinsky. Its activities over the years have included a “Citizens USA” project to obtain citizenship for illegal aliens.  This further’s the Order’s design of promoting the lie that socialist-communism is controlled by Jews, the socialist-communist Blacks being merely their pawns.  It is a “Jewish Communist Conspiracy,” not a Jesuit Conspiracy controlling both the Communists and the Fascists! Obama also worked with the Alinsky group “Developing Communities Project” (DCP), of which Obama became director; “ACORN” (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now); and Project Vote.   ACORN was founded by Wade Rathke—an associate of Weather Underground founder William Ayers—and is one of the largest and most powerful leftist organizations in the United States. Barack received funding from the Woods Fund of Chicago for the DCP, with which William Ayers was reportedly connected. 1986 – Madelyn Dunham retired from the Bank of Hawaii. 1987 – Frank Marshall Davis died in Honolulu, Hawaii, of a massive heart attack at the age of 81. 1987 – Lolo Soetoro died of a liver ailment at age 51. 1988 – Barack Obama, Jr., visited Europe for the first time and spent three weeks there, and then traveled to Kenya, where he spent five weeks with his Kenyan relatives—continuing the charade. 1988 – Obama enrolled in Harvard Law School.  After his first year, he was selected—on the basis of his grades and a writing competition—as an editor of the Harvard Law Review.  He graduated in 1991, magna cum laude. 1989, Jun. – Obama met Michelle Robinson at the Chicago law firm of Sidley Austin (the owner of which was a close friend of William Ayers’ father) when Barack was hired as a summer associate.  She was assigned for three months to advise him at the firm. Also connected with the firm was William Ayers’ wife Bernadine Dohrn, who was working there when Michelle Obama was hired.  A member of her husband’s former terrorist group, the Weather Underground, Dohrn had planted a bomb at a San Francisco police station in 1970 that killed one policeman and partially blinded another, according to an FBI report. In the late sixties and early seventies, Ayers and his wife were responsible for bombing the Pentagon, the U.S. Capitol Building, the New York City Police Headquarters, and other buildings. After being on the run for a decade, they surrendered to authorities in 1980, only to be set free on a technicality involving the way investigators had obtained evidence.  In 2001, Ayers—who is currently a professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago—told the New York Times he regretted he “didn’t do enough” during his days with the Weather Underground. Again, this is an illustration of the Jesuit Order’s Hegelian Dialectic in all of its sinister beauty.  The “thesis” is historic Reformation Bible-based White Protestant and Baptist American Constitutional liberty.  The “antithesis” is Jesuit socialist-communism, for which reason every historic White Protestant nation is now groaning under the burden of Marxian socialist-communism.  The “synthesis” is White Jesuit Fascism so as to be able to murder every Reformation Bible-believing Christian and every racial Jew in North America. 1990, Feb. – Obama was chosen president of the Law Review, a full-time volunteer position in which he served as editor-in-chief and supervised the Law Review’s staff of 80 editors.  Obama’s election as the first Mulatto/Black president of the Law Review was widely publicized and profiled.  As a law student, he took his summers off and returned to Chicago, where he worked as a summer associate at the law firms of Sidley & Austin in 1989 and Hopkins & Sutter in 1990.  After graduating with a Juris Doctor (J.D.) from Harvard in 1991, he returned to Chicago.  There he worked for the Gamaliel Foundation, a subsidiary of the Ford Foundation.  The director of the Hebrew-named foundation was an “ex-Jesuit priest,” Greg Galluzzo.  Yes, Obama was mentored in Chicago by a Jesuit. 1990 to 1995 – Public awareness of Obama’s election as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review resulted in a publishing contract for a book about race relations.  To recruit him to join their faculty, the University of Chicago Law School gave Obama a fellowship and an office to work on his book.  He initially intended to complete the book in a year, but the project took much longer, as the effort evolved into a personal memoir.  So he could work uninterrupted, Obama and his wife Michelle traveled to Bali, where he immersed himself for several months in his manuscript.  That’s the official version.  Recent scientific analysis of the text suggests the manuscript may have been co-authored by Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor William Ayers, by then a nearby neighbor of Barack.  The book was published in mid-1995 as Dreams from My Father. (This is typical Jesuit modus operandi: bring a man to fame through a book he never wrote!  Just as Hitler never wrote Mein Kampf, just as J. Edgar Hoover never wrote Masters of Deceit, even so Obama never wrote Dreams of My Father, all of which were ghost-written by the Jesuits.) According to one source, Obama initially received a $125,000 advance from publisher Simon and Shuster in 1992 for his book, but failed to produce a manuscript.  Although he and his wife did in fact travel to Bali to gain the “peace and quiet” to write, he still produced no publishable draft.  Obama was then asked to return part of the advance payment, and the contract was cancelled.  He came back to Chicago, signed a new contract (with Times Books) for $40,000, and in time delivered a completed manuscript.  This version of the facts reinforces allegations that Obama had a ghostwriter.  Indeed he did, the very best ghostwriters in the world were Obama’s emissaries! 1992 – Ann Dunham obtained a Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Hawaii with a dissertation titled Peasant Blacksmithing in Indonesia: Surviving and Thriving Against All Odds.  Ann then undertook a career in rural development championing women’s work and microcredit for the world’s poor, with Indonesia’s oldest bank, the United States Agency for International Development, the Ford Foundation, and Women’s World Banking – and also worked as a consultant in Pakistan, most likely working with the Pakistani ISI.  She dealt with leaders from organizations involved with Indonesian human rights, women’s rights, and grassroots development. 1992 – Stanley Dunham died in Honolulu at age 73 and was buried in the Punchbowl National Cemetery. 1992, Apr. to Oct. – Obama directed Illinois’ Project Vote in a voter registration drive that succeeded in registering 150,000 of 400,000 unregistered Black Americans in the state, leading Crain’s Chicago Business to name Obama among its 1993 list of “40 under Forty” powers to be.  That’s it Barry!  Register more Blacks so they can vote for more socialist-communist handouts from Washington, further bankrupting the country in preparation for White Jesuit Fascism! 1992, Oct. 3 – Obama and Michelle Robinson were married by “Pastor” Jeremiah Wright. 1992 – Obama taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years, being first contracted as a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996, and then as a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004.  Obama’s preparation as a gripping rhetorical speaker is being completed. 1992 – Obama helped found Public Allies, an organization patterned after Alinsky’s AIF that recruits young people to perform “public service” while they are indoctrinated in socialist theory.  Obama’s wife Michelle became the group’s Executive Director in 1993.  The program later served as the model for Obama’s “Universal Voluntary Public Service” plan.  This mimics the American Communist Party’s Young Pioneers! 1993 – Obama joined Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, a twelve-attorney law firm that specialized in civil rights litigation and neighborhood economic development.  He was an associate from 1993 to 1996, then of counsel from 1996 to 2004. 1993 to 2002 – Obama was on the board of directors of the Woods Fund of Chicago, which in 1985 had been the first foundation to fund the Developing Communities Project.  Again, this is more socialist-funding for the Black communities of Chicago—take from the Whites and give to the Blacks. 1994 – Ann Dunham discovered she had ovarian and uterine cancer.  She moved back to Hawaii to live near her widowed mother, who cared for her. 1995 – Ann died at the age of 52.  After a memorial service held at the University of Hawaii, Barack and his half-sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, cast Ann’s ashes over the Pacific Ocean on the south side of Oahu. 1995 – Obama launched his first run for the Illinois Senate in the home of untouchable CIA contract agent William Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn – who hosted meetings to introduce Obama to their neighbors.  Obama and the couple lived only blocks apart in the Hyde Park section of Chicago, and shared the same liberal-progressive circle of friends. 1995 – Ayers founded the 500-million-dollar education foundation Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a radical “school reform” group that at one point granted more than $600,000 to an organization run by the former head of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of America.   At its inception, Ayers appointed Obama as the chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a position he held until 1999. From 1995 to 2002, Ayers and Obama worked as a team to advance the foundation’s agenda, write and implement its bylaws, and funnel money to such organizations as pro-Black, anti-White, socialist-communist, lying and deceptive ACORN, which later worked in behalf of Obama’s presidential campaign.  Further, according to “New Right” Roman Catholic Dame of Malta Phyllis Schlafley, rpro-abortion ACORN has been financed by the Roman Catholic Institution to the tune of over 7 million dollars.  Again, we see the Jesuit Papacy using its radical socialist-communist Masonic Jews such as ACORN kingpin Saul Alinsky, to promote the Order’s “communist” side of the dialectic in order to justify the rise of Jesuit Fascism. 1996 – Obama was elected to the state senate in Illinois. 1998 – Malia Ann Obama was born to Barack and Michelle. 1998 – Obama was re-elected to the Illinois State Senate. 1999 to 2002 – Obama and Williams Ayers were members of the board together of the Woods Fund of Chicago, an anti-poverty group of which Ayers went on to become Chairman of the Board.  “Anti-poverty group” means “pro-Black group”—as there can not possibly be any Whites in poverty! 2000 – Obama lost a Democratic primary run for U.S. House of Representatives to Bobby Rush. 2001 – Natasha Obama was born to Barack and Michelle. 2001, Mar. 30 – Obama spoke against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act in the 92nd General Assembly of the Illinois State Senate. The number one reason he gave for voting against the act was that it would potentially undermine Roe v. Wade. 2001 – Obama gave a radio interview to Chicago station WBEZ-FM, in which he discussed the “redistribution of wealth” from Whites to Blacks.  This was the purpose of the Order’s Civil Rights Movement in the first place.  Use the Blacks to justify the economic destruction of the Whites—further facilitating Jesuit Fascism! 2002 mid – Obama began considering a run for the U.S. Senate and enlisted political strategist, the Jewish David Axelrod.  This furthers the impression that socialist-communism is led by Jews—Masonic Jews.  Barack announced his candidacy in January 2003. 2002 – Obama was re-elected to the Illinois State Senate, the Archbishop of Chicago being in charge of the entire political machine in Illinois. 2003, Jan. – Obama became chairman of the Illinois Senate’s Health and Human Services Committee after Democrats regained a majority in the state senate.  He sponsored bipartisan legislation to track racial profiling, and a bill that made Illinois the first state to require videotaping of homicide interrogations.  Yes, we can have no racial profiling even though over 60 percent of the state’s violent crime is committed by inner city Blacks. 2003, Mar. – As chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee, Obama blocked passage of the Born Alive Infant Protection Act in the state senate.  Obama is a child-murderer as are his Jesuit mentors responsible for the wicked decision of Roe v. Wade. 2003 – Obama’s fundraiser and close friend, Tony Rezko, helped raise the seed money for Obama’s U.S. Senate race. In 2008, Rezko was convicted of several counts of bribery and fraud.  Birds of a feather flock together! 2003 – Obama paid special tribute to Rashid Khalidi, professor of Mideast studies at the University of Chicago, during a farewell held for Khalidi.  A virulent critic of Israel, Khalidi has justified Palestinian terrorist attacks against the Jewish state.  Barack and Michelle frequently were dinner companions of the Khalidis. Former Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn were also in attendance at the farewell for Khalidi. When Obama and Ayers served together on the left-wing Chicago Woods Fund board, they underwrote the Arab-American Action Network (AAAN) with tens of thousands of dollars.  The anti-Israel group was created by Khalidi and his wife Mona. This support for those who curse the Jews is most important to the Jesuit Order for it knows that if a nation persecutes the racial Jews, be they in Israel or elsewhere, God must keep his Word as promised in Genesis 12:1-3.  That curse will be imposed on America if Obama implements Rome’s anti-Jew agenda.  In this manner the Order uses the power of God’s curse to destroy nations on their hit list—especially the “heretic and liberal” people of the United States. 2004, Jun. 7 – Obama was in socialist billionaire George Soros’ New York home for an Obama campaign fundraising event.  Soros has reportedly funneled large sums of money to the Obama campaign.  This keeps with the design that socialist-communism is the work of the Jews.  It does not matter that Masonic Jew George Soros is in the same CFR with Fox News mogul, Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch! 2004, Jul. – Obama keynoted the Democratic National Convention in Boston, Massachusetts. 2004, Aug. – Obama voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act for the reason that it included provisions that “would have taken away from doctors their professional judgment when a fetus is viable.”  In his logic, Obama was equating a baby who survived an abortion with an unborn fetus. In deed, since a fetus refers only to an animal and not to a baby made in the image of God, Obama is in keeping with Jesuit theology that men are mere animals! 2004, Aug. to Nov. – Obama ran against the eloquent Black Roman Catholic Knight of Columbus Alan Keyes for the U.S. Senate.  Keyes was asked to run late in the election season by the Illinois GOP to fill the vacancy left by Jack Ryan, who stepped down because of a sex scandal.  The scandal broke after media who were aligned with Obama pressed to have Ryan’s confidential divorce records unsealed. 2005, Jan. 4 – Obama was sworn in as U.S. Senator. 2005 – Obama’s family moved from their Hyde Park condo to their $1.65 million house in the Kenwood District of Chicago.  The home was purchased on the same day that Tony Rezko’s wife Rita purchased the adjoining empty lot. 2006 – Obama visited Kenya to campaign for Raila Odinga, a communist who was running for president to oust the pro-USA incumbent, President Mwai Kibaki. After Odinga lost the election, he incited riots that killed 1,500 Kenyans and displaced more than a half million people from their homes.  Christian churches were set on fire, and in one case, 50 parishioners, mostly women and children, were locked inside and burned to death.  Obviously, Obama supported another Idi Amin or Robert Mugabe—more Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors killing non-Roman Catholic Christians! 2006, Oct. 17 – Obama published The Audacity of Hope. 2006, Dec. 4 – Obama met with George Soros in Soros’ Manhattan office.  After an hour of discussion, Soros took Obama to a conference room where a dozen people were waiting to talk with Obama.  Among them was UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland/Swiss Bank) U.S. chief Robert Wolf—another Masonic Papal Court Jew.  A week later, Robert Wolf had dinner in Washington, D.C., with Obama to map out campaign strategy.  Obama must have notorious Jews as his open financiers as well as Jews for his open advisers, Jews such as Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod who, according to Fascist Fox News, are running the White House.  The script is being fulfilled to the letter! 2007, early Jan. – The New York Times announced that Obama had the support of two high-level Democratic fundraisers: Masonic Jews George Soros and Robert Wolf.  By mid-April, 2007, Wolf alone had raised $500,000 for Obama. 2007, Feb. 10 – Obama announced his candidacy for President of the United States. 2007, Apr. 7 – An Obama fundraising party for elite New Yorkers was held at the home of financier Steven Gluckstern, another Masonic Jew and former chairman of George Soros’ Democracy Alliance.  A photo of the event – published in New York magazine April 16, 2007 – showed George Soros seated close to Obama. 2007, May 18 – George Soros hosted a party for Obama at the Greenwich, Connecticut, mansion of Paul Tudor Jones, who runs Tudor Investment Corporation.  The sponsors collected $2,300 from each of the approximately 300 attendees ($690,000), the local newspaper Greenwich Time reported. 2008, Jun. 3 – CFR-connected Obama became the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, after defeating CFR-connected Hillary Clinton in the primaries. 2008, Aug. 25 – Obama won the nomination of the Democratic Party in Denver, Colorado, the city being completely in the hands of the Archbishop of Denver directed by the Jesuits from their Regis University.  Just prior to the convention, he chose Roman Catholic Delaware Senator Joe Biden as his running mate.  The ticket has been called the most liberal in modern American history.  Just as Bush 41 was the master of Reagan, as Cheney was the master of Bush 43, even so Biden is the master of Obama! [2008, Oct. 10 - Distasteful, blatant nude photos of Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham (approximately age 18) allegedly taken in the apartment Frank Marshall Davis were posted at various websites on the Internet.  There were no reactions or denials by Durham's son (the president-elect of 2008) nor any of her relatives.] 2008, Oct. 28 – The Obama campaign reportedly set a record by raising $660 million since the beginning of the 2008 election – much of it alleged to have come from foreign sources, including Saudi Arabia.  For this reason Obama will later bow to the Saudi King when visiting the Middle East. 2008, Oct. 29 – An unprecedented half-hour promotion of Obama was aired on all major CFR-controlled U.S. networks except ABC, which declined to broadcast the paid political advertisement. Barry Davis Obama is, by definition, the mulatto bastard son of a married Black socialist-communist and a single White socialist-communist statutorily raped when she was 17 years old.  He was raised by his atheist White grandparents whom he has repudiated in favor of his pretended Black father—as does every mulatto your editor has ever known.  All allegiance is to be given to the Blacks; no honest debate can be engaged in favor of Whites—in any venue.  For the “zeitgeist” of this present hour is hatefully racist, anti-White Black Supremacy in order to impose hatefully racist, anti-Black White Supremacy led by the coming White Jesuit Fascists!  May we all be fully aware of this diabolical conspiracy hatched by the Jesuit Papacy so we will not fall prey to its designs. vaticanassassins (punto) org/2010/01/barry-davis-obama-4/ Fecha: Jan 30th, 2010 (30 de enero de 2010) 1905, Dec. 31 – Frank Marshall Davis was born in Arkansas City, Kansas. 1907 – Davis’ parents divorced when Frank was a year old. 1911 – When he was five years old, a group of White children a few years older who had heard about the lynching of Blacks tried to lynch Davis and nearly hanged him.  This apparently was the incident that made Davis an anti-White hateful racist.  His life was then dedicated and devoted to “getting over on” and “hating Whitey.” 1918, Mar. 23 – Stanley Armour Dunham was born in Kansas. 1922, Oct. 26 – Madelyn Lee Payne (Dunham) was born in Peru, Kansas, to Rolla Charles and Leona (McCurry) Payne.  Her mother was part Cherokee. 1923 – Frank Marshall Davis was educated at Friends University—founded by White Quakers with a history of opposing Rome’s African Slave Trade and its subsequent iniquity, North American Black African slavery—in Wichita, Kansas.  In spite of this fact, Davis would still grow to hate all White men in general. 1924-27, 29 – Frank Marshall Davis was further educated at Kansas State Agricultural College (Kansas State University), where he studied journalism and began writing poetry.  White men taught him fine arts unique to high White Protestant culture, yet he would use these very skills against all Whites in general via his oratory and literary prose. 1926 – Stanley Dunham’s mother committed suicide.  His father abandoned his children after her death.  Stanley and his brother Ralph lived with their maternal grandparents in El Dorado, Kansas. 1927 – Frank Marshall Davis moved to Chicago, where he worked for the Chicago Evening Bulletin, the Chicago Whip, and the Gary American, all Black American newspapers.  There he would begin to employ his journalistic skills acquired from Whites for the benefit of Blacks. 1931 – Frank Marshall Davis moved to Atlanta—now the new Black Mecca—and became editor of a semiweekly paper, the Atlanta World, which he eventually turned into a daily newspaper within two years of taking the job as the paper’s managing editor in 1931.  Under Davis, the Atlanta Daily World became America’s first successful Black daily.
As editor, Davis emphasized an agenda of social realism, racial and legal justice, and Black activism.  He warned against Depression-era re

La administración de EE. UU. está 'bajo la influencia de islamistas'

La Administración de Estados Unidos se encuentra bajo la influencia islamista, por ende, del Vaticano (Creador del Islam) Eso significa odio y destrucción contra la raza judía. No se confunda, la elite de sionistas (fascistas) no representan la totalidad de la raza de los judíos (pueblo elegido por Dios para traer a Jesucristo, el Mesías) El Vaticano se vale de la mano árabe para conspirar contra los judíos.

La noticia lleva por título:

La administración de EE. UU. está 'bajo la influencia de islamistas'

Vea: actualidad (punto) rt (punto) com/actualidad/internacional/issue_36575 (punto) html

Fecha: 23 Febrero 2012

La administración del presidente Barack Obama está bajo la influencia de grupos islamistas radicales "anti occidentales y pro terroristas", según algunos periodistas árabes.

Así, el liberal egipcio y profesor de la Universidad de Ain Sham Essam Abdallah, revela que el pasado 8 de febrero el director del FBI, Robert Swan Mueller, se reunió DE MANERA SECRETA con militantes de varios grupos islamistas que apoyan a Hamás y Hezbolá. El encuentro fue uno de los muchos que se han realizado durante los últimos meses, de acuerdo con un artículo del profesor egipcio.

Una fuente citada por Essam Abdallah indica que, bajo la presión de activistas musulmanes, de las oficinas del Buró Federal de Investigación se sacaron más de mil presentaciones y programas de estudios sobre el islam por ser considerados 'ofensivos' o ‘racistas’.

Una de las pruebas más palpables de que Washington depende en cierto sentido de grupos islamistas radicales como, por ejemplo, los Hermanos Musulmanes, es la política exterior de EE. UU. en Oriente Próximo.

"La opresión más dramática sobre las sociedades civiles de la región y la llamada Primavera Árabe no se hace con armas […], sino [que la hacen] los lobbys islamistas en Washington", escribe Essam Abdallah. "Desde enero de 2011, cuando llegó la llamada Primavera Arabe, los activistas liberales de la región nos estamos preguntando por qué Occidente en general y EE. UU. en particular no han apoyado a las sociedades civiles y a las democracias laicas". Por el contrario, la administración de EE. UU. ha aplaudido la llegada al poder del partido islamista Ennahda en Túnez y han dado su respaldo a los islamistas del Consejo Nacional de Transición libio.

La causa de todo esto es el principal objetivo que Washington persigue en la región: el negocio y el petróleo, pero no la democracia. Esta es la opinión del analista político Ronald Góchez, que explicó en una entrevista concedida a RT que EE. UU. nunca reconoce el poder de líderes o partidos árabes que "no benefician a los intereses" de Washington aunque sean "elegidos democráticamente", como es el caso de Hamás en Palestina.

Vea: actualidad (punto) rt (punto) com/actualidad/internacional/issue_36575 (punto) html

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Denuncian el lado oscuro de FEMA

Siempre que hay huracanes, inundaciones o diversas catástrofes dentro de los Estados Unidos,  se le presenta a la gente la alternativa de solicitar ayudas federales enmarcadas en los programas de FEMA. Estos se encargan de identificar fondos y otorgarlos a familias que han perdido sus pertenencias o a trabajadores que han perdido sus fuentes de ingreso, así como ayudar a los municipios que así lo requieren. Sin embargo, son muchos los que alegan que FEMA posee un lado oscuro y un propósito muy diferente a la fachada social que se le presenta a la gente. Según se afirma, FEMA funciona como un “gobierno secreto” o alguna clase de agencia que tiene el poder y la autoridad de ir más allá que otras agencias de la nación.  Se afirma que puede suspender o anular leyes, según lo crea necesario. Mover poblaciones enteras, arrestar o detener civiles sin ninguna garantía y mantenerlos encerrados en lugares sin salida. Pueden determinar los límites de las propiedades, suplido de alimentos, y sistemas de transportación y aun suspender los derechos constitucionales de los individuos. Obviamente, y al momento excusados por el lema de mantener la ley y el orden y la seguridad de la nación frente a crisis. Sin embargo, frente a dicha fachada benévola que todos conocemos, se afirma que también FEMA sirve a un propósito tras bastidores que va acorde con los planes secretos de los políticos de crear un Nuevo Orden Mundial secular. Alguna clase de dictadura sobre el mundo que va de acuerdo a planes internacionales y que traspasan los limites de Estados Unidos. Alguna clase de gobierno secreto planificado por los ocultistas de la masonería. La masonería y sus ramificaciones internacionales funciona como un estado dentro de los estados. Según se afirma, ellos idean o planifican lo que acontece en la política, en la religión y en la economía y los ciudadanos vienen a ser marionetas de ese sistema. No se trata de un país, sino de una influencia internacional que afecta a toda clase de gobiernos sin importar sus ideologías o partidos. Se afirma a su vez que la masonería bebe de fuentes ocultistas y de filosofía pagana y que a su vez responden a una elite de jesuitas ocultistas quienes usan al Vaticano y su fachada de cordero inmaculado para llevar a cabo su maquiavélico plan de control sobre el mundo. Según se afirma, una elite fascista muy poderosa rige sobre la sociedad afectando sus plataformas y halando al mundo al control de los ricos sobre los pobres en una clase de sistema de esclavitud y que culminará privándole las libertades a los ciudadanos utilizando la tecnología implantada sobre la gente. Se dice que cuando ese sistema sea implantado a plenitud, todos aquellos que se nieguen a ser parte del mismo, serán considerados terroristas y serán llevados a los campos de concentración que hace tiempos han sido preparados para ese fin.  Según algunos afirman, las instalaciones que hoy se presentan como un plan de ayuda frente a las crisis sociales, se convertirán en lugares de opresión social tal y como lo hizo Hitler contra los judíos en el Holocausto. Se afirma en diversos documentales que FEMA tiene a su cargo en conjunto con el ejército, el establecimiento de lugares (campos de concentración) los cuales son preparados para posibles catástrofes o crisis social. Estos lugares se cuentan por miles dentro de los Estados Unidos. Pero también se afirma que estos motivos de crear dichos lugares para el bien de la humanidad, responden a otra clase de control social. Es decir, preparar lugares donde colocarán a los “rebeldes” del sistema cuando los gobiernos impongan por la fuerza su sistema de control mundial. En otras palabras, el gobierno ya tiene preparados CAMPOS DE CONCENTRACION muy similares a los usados por las dictaduras fascistas en el pasado y todo su sistema de seguridad. De igual forma se propone que el futuro tiene connotaciones apocalípticas y nada que ver con un mundo de paz.  

Vea los siguientes temas en el site original del tema: 
Fuente: freedomfiles (punto) org/war/fema (punto) htm
The Extortion System of the Ruling
 El Extortion Sytem of the Ruling Elite - html version

Understanding the info in this book could save your life and change our world.
Solution to Hoax: If it isn’t simple, it isn’t accurate.
A Must Read for those who want to be free!
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

What is the Federal Emergency Management Agency? Simply put, it is the "secret government". This agency has powers and authority that go well beyond any other agency in the nation. What can FEMA do? It can suspend laws. It can move entire populations. It can arrest and detain citizens without a warrant and can hold them without a trial. It can seize property, food supplies, and transportation systems. And it can even suspend the Constitution of the United States. 
When the first concept had been  presented, its original mission was to assure the survivability of the United States Government in the event of a nuclear attack. It's secondary function was to be a Federal coordinating body during times of domestic disasters. These disasters consisted of earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes. 
The "secret" black helicopters that are reported throughout the US, mainly in the West California, Washington, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Colorado areas are flown by FEMA personnel. It has been given the responsibility for many new national disasters such as forest fires, home heating emergencies, refugee situations, riots, and emergency planning for nuclear and toxic incidents. It works together with the Sixth Army in the West.
A series of Executive Orders (EO) was used to create FEMA. It does not matter whether an EO is Constitutional or not, it becomes a law simply by being published in the Federal Registry. These orders go around Congress.

Civilian Inmate Program - US Army Regulation 210_35

The Cabal Capalists and the Agenda for Genocide

Fuente: freedomfiles (punto) org/war/fema (punto) htm

Para ver una lista de los campos de guerra en Estados Unidos Vea:

sleepwalkings (punto) wordpress (punto)com/2011/06/30/ubicacion-de-los-campos-de-concentracion-fema/

Concentration Camps in the United States

Algunas cosas que niegan los opositores de las teorías de conspiración:

Niegan que exista un plan de dominio internacional mundial
Niegan que exista un plan para entregarle el trono del mundo a un líder mundial anticristiano
Niegan que exista una conspiración internacional por parte de la masonería
Niegan que el Nuevo Orden Mundial sea el gobierno del anticristo
Niegan que los campos estratégicos de FEMA se puedan tornar en el futuro en campos de concentración en espera de una orden ejecutiva
 Niegan que la economía, la religión y la política del mundo esté siendo manipulada de forma alguna
Niegan que exista una plan de control social por medio de un implante de una marca de compra – venta sobre los humanos
Niegan que la elite de los ricos estén conspirando contra los pobres
Niegan que el Vaticano sea el responsable de la creación de diferentes sectas en la sociedad con el fin de adelantar su plan de control mundial
Niegan que los gobiernos sean marionetas del sistema
Niegan que los planes de los fascistas y racistas sigan vigentes
Hablan de paz y seguridad…